“If readers could feel the passion and care most authors pour into their writing, they would never say a bad thing about a book.” -Me. I said that.
It’s true! For me it is, at least. The words I write (and yes, I literally write in a notebook before I type my chapters) have meaning and purpose. They are thought out, questioned, and reworked until perfect. The characters I create become family and friends, they become enemies, and they become real to an extent. I begin caring for them, and I shed real tears when I have to hurt them.
10 Years of Books!
This week marks 10 years. 10 years of books! TEN YEARS since I found out my first book would be published. I remember how excited I was and how proud. I also realize now that I had no clue what I was doing! Man, I’ve learned so much since then. I was excited to tell my family and friends, and I felt like I had really accomplished something big. I dreamed of writing a book and having it published, having it in the hands of readers all over, since I was a tiny 2nd grade student (nerdy student in 1992 with giant hair and big glasses).
Now, I am preparing to see my fourth book get published. It will be the fourth time I hold the author copy (first copy) in my hands, and the fourth time I get to share the accomplishment with friends and family. It’s the fourth time I get excited to see 5 star reviews pop up and hear what readers loved about my story.
"What I love most is witnessing readers forming so much care and connection with my characters, the same way I have throughout the process of developing them."
I can only speak for myself, but I imagine most authors feel the same. When I am away from my writing, I can only think about it. I grow so excited when I know I will have a chance to write again, and my heart even hurts sometimes that I can’t spend more time doing the thing I love most. So, if readers could feel that feeling authors experience when working on projects, they wouldn’t even fathom saying a bad thing about them.
I am lucky to have had phenomenal reviews on all my books, with especially great feedback and reviews on the Seven Evils Series. But, like all writers, I am always prepared to take a low blow from a reader. Let’s be honest, some people aren’t overly positive in expressing their distaste for something and are, instead, brutal. The best thing to do is take it for what it is, an opinion. I do appreciate feedback, but when it comes down to it, tastes in literature vary by person and that’s fine! I know not everyone will love what I write, most authors realize that. That’s part of the beauty of books- there are plenty out there for each person’s enjoyment.
Just remember, when you are blasting authors and books on your social media book club pages that someone put a significant amount of time, care, and passion into that very same book.